we are so happy you want to join yoga @ hpy in Heidenheim. yes, we do speak & teach in English here. Find your FAQs below.
josefine grew up bilingually, so we adapt the class language when we have English clients! our yogis love an English speaking class, too.
our course schedule
please check our website here for weekly schedule changes. we upload the new schedule always on Monday/tuesday.
we offer workout courses, yoga stretches as well as gentle classes for all levels. please talk to us about what you are looking for in a yoga class and we’ll tell you which course suits you best 🙂
prices | payment options
15 euro per lesson
regular (60-90min); drop-in & billed
quarterly yoga bill
when you don’t want an abo but don’t want to pay cash all the time either
if you want more flexibility than a fixed amount of lessons to take each month our quarterly option might be for you. Sign the attendance list when you come to yoga, and we’ll send you the bill (15,00€ per lesson) at the end of the/beginning of the following quarter (bills will be send out in April, Juli, October or January).
save money with our monthly package:
the „abo“ options
this is how it works.
in short: if you are using the abo option you transfer the respective amount monthly in advance via IBAN transfer. When you get to the studio you sign the attendance list with your initials. please talk to josefine (yoga instructor) if you are interested! Josie@happyplaceyoga.de oder whatsapp to tel. 015123080231.
abo 1: „downdog-pro“ |
1x yoga/week: 50,00€ per month!lessons per month this gives you („soll“): 4 |
abo 2: „vinyasa-hero“ |
2x yoga/week: 84,00€ per month.lessons per month this gives you („soll“): 8 |
abo 3: „poweryogi“ |
3x yoga/week: 120,00€ per month.lessons per month this gives you („soll“): 12 |
abo 4: „all you can yoga“ |
all you can yoga/week: 150,00€ per month.visit all courses an receive 30% on all of our workshops & events as well as private lessons! you do not have a monthly „soll“, but can come to all lessons at all times. you cannot „take“ lessons into the next months if you are sick as you have no „soll“. |
your abo covers regular yoga classes. workshops, events & retreats (unless otherwise indicated) will be billed separately.
adjusting your abo to your yoga needs.
if you fall ill or go on vacation, with abo 1 to 3 your „soll“ lessons i.e. the lessons you paid for are not gonna be cancelled after the month is over. under the condition that you take the remaining lessons in the month after your absence, you may „take“ them into the next month. if you continue to fall short of what you paid for – no problem, change abos the next time you transfer.
canceling your abo
cncelling your abo is possible by the end of each month by sending a written cancelation (e-mail oder whatsapp, or via mail).
transfer monthly in advance
please transfer the respective amount by the first working day of the month
subject „yoga abo [1, 2 or 3?] [name surname]“ to
recipient: josefine grath
iban: de32 6329 0110 0163 8914 00
bic: genodes1hdh
conditions apply
do’s & don’ts
- do | transfer the respective amount by the first working day of the month to bank details given above.
- don’t | abo conditions do not apply if your payment is late f.e. if you pay only by the end of the month. that means we will be charging our regular course fee (15,00€ per lesson).
- do | sign your initials into the attendance list immediately after or before each class you take.
- do | if you have paid lessons left by the end of the month, take the remaining lessons within the following month.
- don’t | abo must be paid in full. lessons you haven’t taken cannot be taken off next month’s abo payment.
- do | your abo covers regular yoga classes. workshops, events & retreats (unless otherwise indicated) will be billed separately.
- do | if you pass the amount of lessons you paid for (abo1: soll 4; abo2: soll 8; abo3: soll 12), we will bill the surplus using the course fee of your respective rate. (abo 1: 12,50 euro/stunde; abo2: 10,50 euro/stunde; abo3: 10 euro/stunde).
- do | cancel your abo by the end of each month by sending a written cancelation (e-mail oder whatsapp, or via mail).
- don’t | your abo cannot be transferred to other family members or people.